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Bible Society ResourcesAugust 2012
Sports Bible - £7.99

Dear Friend 

Sport continues to dominate the headlines and, here at the Bible Society Shop, we are still doing our bit to keep God at the heart of it all with the Sports Good News Bible.*


I know what you are probably thinking – how on earth are sport and the Bible linked? Where in the Bible does it talk about training, setting goals and breaking records?


You might have to look hard for specific references but the themes that run through both are shared. And that’s what you’ll find in this special sports edition of the popular GNB, which contains 40 full-colour pages connecting sport and faith.


It’s ideal for:

• Anyone with an enthusiasm for sport who wants to share the story of God with the same confidence and passion.

• Those who love their sport but don’t really know the Bible.

• A gift for someone with a passion for sport and a heart for God’s Word.


Visit today to get your copy for just £7.99.

Midas Gordon-Farleigh
Bible Society Online Shop 

* available while stocks last



Sports lyfe - Pack of 6 £9.99
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